'Dr Max Gerson, who in 1938 made a startling discovery that his safe natural treatment for cancer patients held enormous promise. He was getting people well by using something that could not be patented – vegetables. At this time in history, a bill was appropriated for 100 million dollars to anyone who could show promise and results in treating cancer. Dr Gerson in 1946 presented 5 terminal cases and 5 additional patients’ records showing his effective treatment and cure of all of these cases. Well, guess what? The Pepper-Neely bill was defeated by four senators who were medical doctors.'Read more...
'Dr. Eenfeldt also translated an article from a local Swedish newspaper covering the committee’s findings:
Butter, olive oil, heavy cream, and bacon are not harmful foods. Quite the opposite. Fat is the best thing for those who want to lose weight. And there are no connections between a high fat intake and cardiovascular disease.
On Monday, SBU, the Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment, dropped a bombshell. After a two-year long inquiry, reviewing 16,000 studies, the report “Dietary Treatment for Obesity” upends the conventional dietary guidelines for obese or diabetic people.
For a long time, the health care system has given the public advice to avoid fat, saturated fat in particular, and calories. A low-carb diet (LCHF – Low Carb High Fat, is actually a Swedish “invention”) has been dismissed as harmful, a humbug and as being a fad diet lacking any scientific basis.'Read more...
'Ramen noodles contain Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), which is a byproduct of the petroleum industry and food additive frequently to preserve cheap processed foods. It is one of those chemicals that is neither digestible or beneficial in any way for your body. A gastrointestinal specialist conducted an experiment with a time lapse video inside the stomach, comparing both fresh and preserved ramen noodles. After two hours of digestion, the results were staggering.'Read more...
'Healthicines increase healthiness. Medicines decrease illness. It's easy to say, but it can be very difficult to understand clearly. Are "alternative medicines" healthicines or medicines? Are vitamins healthicines, or medicines? Are herbal medicines healthicines or medicines. Let's begin with some simple examples, where the lines are very clear.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. An apple is a healthicine, not a medicine. You can eat as many as you want. Your children can eat them. Apples don't make you healthy 'quickly', health is created slowly, "an apple a day". Apples don't fight specific illnesses, they improve general healthiness. If you are sick, an apple won't make you well and if you eat too many, you will get diarrhea. But if you are sick, an apple a day will still help you be healthy. You don't need a prescription to buy an apple.'Read more...
'Honey bees are tireless workers, committed to sustaining life for all through pollination of various plants and crops. Honey bees are effective natural chemists as well. By collecting resins from leaf buds and vegetables, they are able to produce propolis.
Bees create propolis from their environment in order to disinfect their beehives, seal cracks, build panels and even embalm intruders. Propolis is an effective antimicrobial agent, useful for disinfecting. Humans can collect and utilize propolis for personal health reasons.
Scientists from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India, have found promising evidence showing how propolis treats aluminum toxicity.'
'Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that keeps the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy. It is involved in the metabolism of every cell in the human body, and is necessary for DNA synthesis and regulation, as well as fatty acid synthesis and energy production. The benefits of vitamin B12 start in the womb, are vital during infancy, and protect you from disease throughout your life.
Not getting enough B12 causes tiredness, weakness, changes in elimination, loss of appetite, and weight loss—all symptoms of megaloblastic anemia, a condition characterized by very large red blood cells. It comes on slowly, especially when compared to that of other types of anemia, so can be hard to diagnose in its early stages.' Read more...