Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Carrot juice again: Curing an older woman's pelvis fracture

Photo Credit:rosiegarner.com

'If you had serious doubts about an earlier Natural News story on how a woman cured her cancer with carrot juice, as recommended to her by another who had done the same, here's another carrot juice story that should blow your mind. 

It was revealed by Natural News journalist Jonathan Landsman when he interviewed 90-year-old Charlotte Gerson about her incredible recovery from her pelvis fracture.'


Ginger Benefits People with Asthma

Photo Credit:Health.com

'Ginger has been used medicinally for centuries and in the U.S. is perhaps most known for its ability to soothe nausea and stomach upset.

It is without a doubt the best remedy I know of for nausea. You don’t need much just a piece the size of your fingernail minced very finely and swallowed.  It is phenomenally effective.
But now new research suggests this natural root may provide help for much more, including for arthritis pain, heart health, and people with asthma, in whom ginger may enhance the effects of the bronchodilating medications conventionally used to treat their condition. It may even be useful for weight control!'


Benefits of Colon Cleansing With Aloe

'Aloe vera and its cleansing functions are much touted all over the world. People with digestive complications have experienced great benefits from this plant. Cleanses are used to break down and clean out waste from the colon and detoxify the blood stream.

Toxins in the colon, if reabsorbed into the blood stream, may cause fatigue, low energy and headaches. Cleansing the colon flushes the toxins from the colon and the blood stream, and rejuvenates the body. This can help with weight loss, boost the immune system and reduce the risk of colon cancer.' 


Fermenting Foods—One of the Easiest and Most Creative Aspects of Making Food from Scratch

By Dr. Mercola

'Ninety percent of the genetic material in your body is not yours but belongs to the bacteria that outnumber your cells 10 to 1.  These bacteria have enormous influence on your digestion, detoxification and immune system.

Sandor Katz is a self-described “fermentation revivalist,” and has published two books on this topic, along with a third on the underground food movement. He’s a native of New York and a graduate of Brown University. Sandor currently lives in Tennessee, where he pursues his interest by presenting workshops around the world on fermentation.' 


Monday, December 30, 2013

Scientists Finally Show How Your Thoughts Can Cause Specific Molecular Changes To Your Genes


'The study investigated the effects of a day of intensive mindfulness practice in a group of experienced meditators, compared to a group of untrained control subjects who engaged in quiet non-meditative activities. After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating machinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which in turn correlated with faster physical recovery from a stressful situation.'


Monsanto, the TPP, and Global Food Dominance


'The widespread use of GMO foods and glyphosate herbicides helps explain the anomaly that the US spends over twice as much per capita on healthcare as the average developed country, yet it is rated far down the scale of the world’s healthiest populations. The World Health Organization has ranked the US LAST out of 17 developed nations for overall health.

Sixty to seventy percent of the foods in US supermarkets are now genetically modified. By contrast, in at least 26 other countries—including Switzerland, Australia, Austria, China, India, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, Mexico and Russia—GMOs are totally or partially banned; and significant restrictions on GMOs exist in about sixty other countries.'


New Research Once Again Disproving Doctor's Advice - The Risks of Aspirin Outweigh The Benefits

Photo Credit:healthland.time.com

'Mainstream medicine has been claiming for decades that aspirin lowers our risk of heart attack, stroke and even reduces the risk of cancer. All of these assumptions, which were never conclusively proven in any study have been subjected to the scrutiny and criticism of hundreds of health experts. Now, the most comprehensive review ever undertaken by Warwick Medical School for the NHS National Institute for Health Research has concluded that people should avoid aspirin all together.'


Deadly Vaccine Kills 8 Infants; Drug Maker Says Deaths “Coincidental”


'Eight babies in China have died in the past two months shortly after being injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine, according to an article in the New York Times. The deaths are being investigated and linked to vaccine manufacturer Kangtai Biological Products (BioKangtai). 

The Hepatitis B vaccine is now suspended until further notice.
Some of the details have not been released, however from what we do know, the infants died two days or less after being vaccinated.
But, there’s more to the story.'


Why your grandparents didn’t have food allergies…but you do

Photo Credit:butternutrition.com

'Did your grandparents have food allergies? Mine sure didn’t. A stark comparison to the growing epidemic of food allergies, worsening with every generation.

So why did your grandparents not have food allergies? It’s really quite simple…'


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Essiac Tea is a Cancer Cure Big Pharma Does Not Want You to Know About


'A simple inexpensive four herb tea that cures cancer? Even AIDS maybe? This has been a critical concern since Essiac tea was introduced in Canada during the early 1920's. For over 50 years, a humble nurse, Rene Caisse (pronounced Reen Case), used the tea successfully with many terminal cancer patients from her clinic in the tiny Canadian village of Bracebridge, north of Toronto.'


Vaccination Voodoo, What You Don't Know About Vaccines


'I recently had the privilege of reviewing the newly released book, Vaccination Voodoo: What You Don't Know About Vaccines, authored by Catherine J Frompovich. She assembles a breadth of research and compiles the "must know" information regarding the false science about vaccination and the rise in correlated diseases. Regardless of your position on mass vaccination programs, this book will surely make you question their safety and effectiveness.' 


Thursday, December 12, 2013

I Got the Flu Vaccine. Now I Have the Flu.

Alicia Travis, CRNP, from the Penn Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine practice discusses some known – and not-so-known – drawbacks to flu season.

Alicia Travis, CRNP
Alicia Travis, CRNP
As is required for all health care workers, I got my flu vaccine in October and figured this would protect me throughout this flu season. As I am writing this, though, I am under my heated blanket with a cup of green tea in one hand and a box of tissues in the other. My throat is sore, my nose is dripping, my temperature is 100.8° F, I have a deep chest cough, and worst of all, my body aches all over.

I have the flu and I am miserable!

The reality is that influenza is an ever-changing virus with several common strains that can cause an array of troublesome symptoms. These symptoms include fever, cough, congestion, sore throat, body aches, fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting and generalized malaise. In immunocompromised patients, or people whose immune system is not capable of resisting the infection, influenza can be a much more severe, even fatal, illness. It is for this reason that every fall, your doctor and/or nurse recommends you get that pesky needle pinch (or inconvenient intranasal spray) to be protected.

Unfortunately, like most things in life, the flu vaccine is not 100% effective. When vaccine researchers formulate the components of the vaccine, they are speculating months in advance as to which strains will be dominant that year. Therefore, the effectiveness of the flu vaccine can vary year to year based on viral resistance patterns and the accuracy of vaccine researchers’ predictions.

According to an article published by the Center for Disease Control, researchers approximate the flu vaccine is around 60% effective most years. Meaning, this leaves me, and roughly 40% of the vaccinated population, at risk of contracting influenza despite getting the vaccine. That may seem like unfavorable odds, but 60% is better than nothing.

To put this in perspective, as a nurse practitioner in a busy adolescent and young adult practice, I have seen upwards of 100 patients in the past couple months with flu-like symptoms. Influenza is very contagious and, if I had not received the vaccine, I would have certainly been at a higher risk of contracting influenza.

The key to staying flu-free is to wash your hands frequently, stay away from anyone who has flu-like symptoms, stay well rested and get your flu vaccine.

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Schedule an appointment today.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Managing Holiday Stress

Elizabeth Y. Fung, DO, a primary care physician at Spruce Internal Medicine, located at the new Penn Medicine Washington Square building, discusses healthy tips for managing stress during the holiday season.

As the brilliant colors of the fall foliage fade and the crisp winter air settles in, a flurry of activities begin and it is now time to prepare for the holidays.

The holiday tradition started as a period of time set aside for religious or cultural celebrations. Today, many of us have an unrealistic or overly romantic notion of what the holidays should be, and often aren’t.

To help, here are a few tips to rekindle the holiday spirit:


  • Put together a list of what you expect from the holidays and be realistic with what can be accomplished.
  • If you’re looking to take it easy over the holidays, consider a vacation or simply a ‘stay-cation.’ Take it easy and relax, refresh and re-energize.
  • If family, friends and feasts are on your holiday horizon, prioritize commitments and schedule them on your calendar. Don’t forget to include time for rest and relaxation.
  • Plan your travels – purchase tickets in advance and arrive early for departure.

Holiday Gatherings

  • If you’re hosting a holiday party, divide up the menu and give guests an opportunity to prepare and “show off” one of their favorite dishes.
  • Prepare in advance – I have a patient who bakes 20 pies the week before her holiday parties in preparation to give to friends and relatives.
  • Those who break bread make bread together - Share in the peeling, dicing, chopping and cleanup in the kitchen. It is a great opportunity for everyone to catch up while preparing the meal.
  • Purchase prepared menu items to reduce the amount of cooking and increase the amount of family time.
  • Avoid overindulgence - have a healthy snack before your holiday parties, continue to exercise and get a good night’s sleep.

Gift Giving

  • Set a budget. You will be surprised how creative you can be with a budget in place.
  • Ask people what they want for the holidays. This eliminates the guesswork and holiday returns.
  • Online shopping – Shop at your leisure. Last year, I did most of my shopping online while on the train to/from work!
  • Get creative with gift-giving. During my medical training, I gave my brother and his wife a “gift certificate” redeemable for a weekend of babysitting my nieces and nephews.

Holiday Blues

  • Surround yourself with family and friends if you’re feeling lonely and sad. Reminiscing about the past, the loss of loved ones or being away from home during this time of the year can be difficult.
  • Volunteer – Helping others can help us better appreciate what we have.
  • Despite your best efforts, if you find yourself feeling severely anxious, persistently sad or hopeless and these feelings are affecting your daily activities, please talk to your doctor.
The holidays are an exciting time celebrating with family and friends. With some planning and a positive attitude, it is possible to be jolly during this season and to find peace and joy as we celebrate.

Happy Holidays!

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